Almost Like Summer
Current Mood
Longing to Be Bardot By The Pool
From long pants to flowy dresses in just three days. And it's only the middle of May. It's almost like the middle of summer.
The first 90-degree day surprises me every year - it's as if I've forgotten summertime.
The school year is ending quickly and the appeal of long, free days makes the clock move slowly.
The kids at school are like puppies pulling on their leash.
Me: Hey kiddo, no talking in the halls.
Kiddo: OK. [keeps talking]
Me: Hey, I said no talking in the halls. You know the rules.
Kiddo: But I'm so excited! It's almost summer. I can't wait.
Me: Yeah, I'm excited too. But no talking in the halls, because you're disrupting other classrooms. No. Talking. Even when we're excited.
Kiddo:. OK. [keeps talking]
I have this conversation at least six times a day.
I'm surviving on a mixture of lemon water and sliced strawberries, both served ice cold.