How long have you been writing?
As long as I can remember. And probably a little longer than that. I tell stories all the time - and all of them are true. Even the ones that are made up. Especially those.
What types of books do you write?
So far...poetry, young adult, flash fiction and supernatural. And maybe more to come.
Why do you write in so many genres?
Life's too short to stay in one tiny box. I like to think that all of my stories, no matter what the genre, are about outsiders facing difficult decisions. And I go from there.
Do you sell signed copies of your books?
I do! I sell signed copies via a secure site called Squareup. I mail books out every weekday. Currently, I only ship to the United States. International shipping is coming soon. Click here to go my Squareup store.
Can I ask you a question?
Of course. Ask me anything here. I'll get back to you as soon as possible (usually within 2 business days).