spells and potions

I don't believe in magic.

At least not the way most people do. I don't believe in spells and potions...I don't believe in any of that. I believe in chemistry. The chemistry we have with each other. The chemistry of strangers who just met, but who feel like they've known each other forever. The chemistry of working your butt off and achieving something that you've been working towards for a long time. That feeling as you slide into your purpose. That chemistry is Magic and that's the magic I always know is available to meet at any time I want it.

The magic people want to conjure up is the alchemy of happiness, of unexpected surprises, of happiness after a period of sadness. I believe in all of that type of magic that's the magic that I want for me and for you and for every single freaking person on this planet.

We need more of that kind of magic.

Enchanted Nightshade/Witchcraft & Sorcery

This post is part of a Blogging A To Z series where I write a new, personal story almost every day (except Sundays).

photos: Top Inspired & Spiritual Talk