weekend edition 13
You guys. YOU GUYS...I met a few awesome scientists from NASA last weekend!
Hello, my pretty little spaghetti noodles! (Is that not a thing? Am I the only one who thinks spaghetti is pretty? Anyone...? Ok...moving right along).
The last few weeks have been spectacular and busy and more than a little overwhelming in its greatness. I went to the Atlanta Science Festival to make science haiku and to the Dahlonega Literary Festival to talk about reading. (More on that later.) After three straight weeks without a day off, I'm switching off for vacation (will tell you all about it when I get back...pinky swear).
Also, because I'm an overachiever, I've also signed up for the A-Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to blog every weekday during the month of April. Every good challenge deserves a theme, and here's mine:
Mixed messages.
I found a list of the meaning of everyday flowers and was instantly captivated. (Did you know moss means maternal love?) Beginning April 4th I'll share a different short, true story every morning by 10 a.m. Eastern. Like any true firestarter, I'm scheduling posts while I'm away, but after the 10th, I'll be posting "live".
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Ummm....unfortunate last name.
Strangely cool things people have found in their home. If I found #3, I'd have to move. Immediately.
Healthy food that tastes unhealthy. Yes, please.
The U.S. women's hockey team deserves better.
Out of all of these funny memes, the one about putting pants on without using arms is the funniest/most disturbing.
I'm a word nerd, so this list of transition words is right up my alley.
Neil Patrick Harris tells you how to poop in an airplane bathroom.
People can be a-holes. But hilarious, too.